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SC: Training Day 1

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Babysitting(ish)

Players: 2-3

Date and Time of run: Oct. 8 18:00 GMT

Expected Session Length: 2-3 hours

(time is somewhat flexible, if you can't quite make it respond with what time you CAN make) Theme: Pink Mohawk


Threat Level: Low


In-game Location: Seattle (Renton) IC prompt: “Speakers Corner - tell us your woes and we’ll connect you to potential solutions … first up, a teenager with a streak of what looks like face paint across his eyes looking for a tutor”

Summary: Another good deed, but this time got to make a pretty wiz payday on top too. Pretty Swag huh? The skinny's pretty simple really: Some group called the speaker's corner reached out to me and a couple of other runners, Clean-Up and Killroy Was Here - righteous dudes - I'd run with 'em again in a heartbeat. Anyways, Speaker's Corner put us all in touch with this girl - calls herself shuv - she ain't a day over thirteen, and she's lost both her parents in a matter of weeks. A mother got caught in a Shadowrunning team's crossfire, and her dad got geeked buying food at the store. No connection, just shit luck. Anyways, Shuv wants us to help her get into a street gang - the Blood Mountain Boys - but she's a kid can't play her like that. It's not a good life, 'specially not when you're young.

Anyways, we manage to convince her not to go all in on it. Instead we offer to help her get some safer work, with a street doc or somethin', while showing her how she can look after herself. Self defence, navigating the streets, you name it, we helped her with it. Anyways, the little fragger snuck out to go to a fighting ring - some cutter drekhead was making money off of teenagers beating the tar out of each other, and Shuv was chucked into the ring to fight some humanis goon. We catch up with her, give her the support she needs to knock that Humanis clown out cold, and in all the commotion - we rob that bookie blind. Important street lesson for all you wanna be bookies out there: If you're taking bets, wire transfer the proceeds, don't take 'em by credstick. The crowd jumped the bookie when they thought he was trying to make off with all their creds, while we all made off with Shuv like a bunch o' thieves. Who says you can't do a little good and make some cash while you're doin' it too? -- Painbow

Clean-Up's Rebuttal
That's not quite how I remember it. We were contacted by some unknown quantity called "Speaker's Corner." This put us in touch with a kid who wanted to join the "Blue Mountain Boys" Gang. Still not clear on what "Speakers Corner" is but we certainly would not be letting that happen. Kid was an orphan, dad was killed in a gang crossfire, mom was slaughtered in a Humanis "Training Exercise" targeting "Blood Money Technologies". Anyway, we all agreed that saving her from the gang life was more important.

Anyway we took the kid to see Gwen, get her patched up, Kilroy filled her up with Taco Temple, and started teaching her on how she could be better than the streets. How to be a little faster, a little tougher, a little smarter and even how to throw a punch or two. Thought we were making an impression. But then we caught her breaking out to get involved in a street brawl. Some Cutters punk was putting kids in a fight pit, and betting on the results. Realizing that we weren't going to make any headway with her unless we let her get this out of her system, I coached her through that fight, and as a parting gift to those who would profit from the blood of children, that poor "fight promoter" was separated from his ill gotten gains...